2005 Motility Workshop abstracts

Friday May 27 at 9:00am

Speaker: Nyles W. Charon (Microbiology and Immunology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia)
Title: Borrelia burgorferi motility and asymmetry during spirochete chemotaxis.

Spirochetes have a unique structure, and as a result their motility is different from that of other bacteria. These organisms can swim in a highly viscous, gel-like medium, such as that found in connective tissue, that inhibits the motility of most other bacteria. In spirochetes, the organelles for motility, the periplasmic flagella, reside inside the cell within the periplasmic space. A given periplasmic flagellum is attached only at one end of the cell, and depending on the species, may or may not overlap in the center of the cell. The number of periplasmic flagella varies from species to species. These structures have been shown to be directly involved in motility and function by rotating within the periplasmic space (1).

The present talk focuses on the spirochete that causes Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi. In many bacterial species, cell shape is usually dictated by the peptidoyglycan layer of the cell wall. In the first part of the talk, results will be presented that the morphology of B. burgdorferi is the result of a complex interaction between the cell cylinder and the internal periplasmic flagella resulting in a cell with a flat-wave morphology. Backward moving, propagating waves enable these bacteria to swim and translate in a given direction. Using targeted mutagenesis, we inactivated the gene encoding the major periplasmic flagellar filament protein FlaB. The resulting flaB mutants not only were non-motile, but were rod-shaped. Western blot analysis indicated that flaB was no longer synthesized, and electron microscopy revealed that the mutants were completely deficient in periplasmic flagella. Our results indicate that the periplasmic flagella of B. burgdorferi have a skeletal function. These organelles dynamically interact with the rod-shaped cell cylinder to enable the cell to swim, and to confer in part its flat-wave morphology (see http:/www.uic.edu/orgs/blast/videos for animated model, 2).

The latter part of the talk concerns the basis for asymmetrical rotation of the periplasmic flagella of B. burgdorferi during chemotaxis. In translational motility, the bundles of periplasmic flagella rotate in opposite directions. When not translating, they rotate in the same direction, and the cells flex. We present evidence that asymmetrical rotation of the bundles during translation does not depend upon the chemotaxis signal transduction system. The histidine kinase CheA is known to be an essential component in the signaling pathway for bacterial chemotaxis. Mutants of cheA in flagellated bacteria continually rotate their flagella in one direction. B. burgdorferi has two copies of cheA. We reasoned that if chemotaxis were essential for asymmetrical rotation of the flagellar bundles, and if the flagellar motors at both cell ends were identical, inactivation of the two cheA genes should result in cells that constant flex. To test this hypothesis, the signaling pathway was completely blocked by construction of a double cheA mutant. This mutant was completely deficient in chemotaxis. Rather than flexing, it failed to reverse, and it continually translated only in one direction. The results indicate that asymmetrical rotation does not depend upon the chemotaxis system but rather upon differences between the two flagellar bundles. We propose that certain factors within the spirochete localize at flagellar motors at one end of the cell to effect this asymmetry (3).


1. Charon, N.W. and S.F. Goldstein. 2002. The genetics of motility and chemotaxis of a fascinating group of bacteria: the spirochetes. Ann. Rev. Genetics. 36: 47-73.

2. Li, C. R. Bakker, M. M2otaleb, F. Cabello, M.L. Sartakova, and N.W. Charon. 2002. Asymmetrical flagellar rotation in Borrelia burgdorferi non-chemotaxis mutants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 99:6169-6174.

2. Motaleb M.A., L. Corum, J.L Bono, A.F. Elias, P. Rosa, D.S. Samuels, N.W. Charon. 2000. Borrelia burgdorferi periplasmic flagella have both skeletal and motility functions. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2000 97:10899-10904.