We meet weekly on Wednesday at 3:00 PM (Central time), GI 310
Organizers: Alessandra Constantini and Kalina Mincheva.
Spring 2025
January 15
Souvik Dey, Charles University, Prague. Rings with extremal cohomology annihilator.
The cohomology annihilator of Noetherian algebras was defined by Iyengar and Takahashi in their work on strong
generation in the module category. For a commutative Noetherian local ring, it can be observed that the cohomology
annihilator ideal is the entire ring if and only if the ring is regular. Motivated by this, I will consider the
question: When is the cohomology annihilator ideal of a local ring equal to the maximal ideal? I will discuss various
ring-theoretic and category-theoretic conditions towards understanding this question and describe applications for
understanding when the test ideal of the module closure operation on cyclic surface quotient singularities is the maximal ideal.
February 10 (note the special date and place, DW 103)
Paolo Mantero, University of Arkansas. From Interpolation problems to matroids.
Interpolation problems are long-standing problems at the intersection of Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra,
Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis, aiming at understanding the set of all polynomial equations passing
through a given finite set X of points with given multiplicities. In this talk we discuss the problem for matroidal
configurations, i.e. sets of points arising from the strong combinatorial structure of a matroid. Starting from the
special case of uniform matroids, we will discover how an interplay of commutative algebra and combinatorics allows
us to solve the interpolation problem for any matroidal configuration. It is the widest class of points for which the
interpolation problem is solved. Along the way, we will touch on several open problems and conjectures. The talk is
based on joint projects with Vinh Nguyen (U. Arkansas).
February 12
Edna Jones, Tulane University. Versions of the circle method.
The circle method is a useful tool in analytic number theory and combinatorics. The term "circle method" can refer
to one of a variety of techniques for using the analytic properties of the generating function of a sequence to obtain
an asymptotic formula for the sequence. We will discuss different versions of the circle method and some results that
can be obtained by using the circle method.
February 19
February 21 (note the special date)
Ngo Viet Trung, Institute of Math, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. Ear decompositions of graphs: an unexpected tool in Combinatorial Commutative Algebra.
Ear decomposition is a classical notion in Graph Theory. It has been shown in [1, 2] that this notion can be used to
solve difficult problems on homological properties of edge ideals in Combinatorial Commutative Algebra. This talk
presents the main combinatorial ideas behind these results.
[1] H.M. Lam and N.V. Trung, Associated primes of powers of edge ideals and ear decompositions of graphs, Trans. AMS 372 (2019)
[2] H.M. Lam, N.V. Trung, and T.N. Trung, A general formula for the index of depth stability of edge ideals, Trans. AMS, to appear.
February 26
Alessandra Constantini, Tulane University TBA.
March 12
Sankhaneel Bisui, Arizona State University. TBA.
March 14 (note the special date)
Dipendranath Mahato, Tulane University. TBA.
March 19
Thai Nguyen, University of Dayton. TBA.
March 26
Michael Allen, LSU. TBA.
April 2
Yairon Cid-Ruiz, North Carolina State University. TBA.
April 9
Andrés Jaramillo Puentes, University of Tübingen. TBA.